Monday, April 27, 2020

Simple things

You'd think that, with all of this free time on my hands, I'd be painting furiously all day, every day. But it's not that simple. Calling to me are all the chores and projects I swore I'd take care of "when I have more time". 

I'm sewing cloth face masks for neighbors and others who need them; I'm playing word games on my phone for many more hours than I care to admit; I'm walking sometimes.

The inspiration isn't always there, but the effort of opening up my iPad and scratching out something new is often the most satisfying thing I do all day. Here's a scene from my kitchen table, done on the iPad.

"Mandarins in an Old Wooden Box"
Digital drawing on iPad

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Peace in the Time of Pandemonium

Well, the actual title says "Guestroom", not "Peace". Things are now slightly more peaceful around here, as we've self-quarantined for five weeks now. At first, I slept in my son's old room, while my husband and I kept our distance after a trip to another state. Flying home was nerve-wracking, as the situation had changed drastically in just a week.

Please stay home and stay well. Enjoy this little spot of comfort and relaxation.

Oil on wood panel
9" x 12"