Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Who has time?

…or motivation to wrap, wrap, wrap, plan, shop, shop, cook — all in preparation for one day of undoing all of it?

After a relaxing birthday weekend on Martha's Vineyard, I set about procrastinating as usual, and made this little painting on my iPad. The scene: from the balcony of our  hotel in Edgartown, looking out at the harbor and the Chappy Ferry. Yes, the borders are uneven — the challenges of drawing a straight line with one's finger are great.

"Toward Chappaquiddick"
Digital on iPad
December 21, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015


"Holiday"? This new oil doesn't look like anything holiday-related! I omitted it, but the name on the sign over the door is HOLIDAY — I think they are in the decoration business. 

The painting wasn't meant to be about that, anyway. This is a building I see about once a week, and on this particular day I had to put down all of the gear I was carrying and take a few photos of the sun and shade.

Oil on Wood Panel
18" x 18"

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Other Plans

I wasn't sure I was ready to hang and sell this one — an abstract piece derived from a news item I saw on the Internet. The story was about some lions somewhere that were rescued from a sad fate and placed in a more hospitable environment. That's all I know, because once I saw the accompanying photo I knew I was going to interpret it in oil paint. 
"Other Plans", oil on canvas, 9" x 12"