Here's a piece I've been working on, one of an ongoing series featuring our silly rescue, Mack. Another session or two and this will be ready for prime time, I think!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Summer Break — NOT!
Yes, it seems as though I've slowed down here this summer. Actually, I've been very busy traveling to Asia and Cape Cod, getting ready for a solo show in Provincetown; plus taking classes, painting in the studio and now, preparing for a September wedding here on our property as well as getting geared up for teaching three or four courses this Fall.
Here's a piece I've been working on, one of an ongoing series featuring our silly rescue, Mack. Another session or two and this will be ready for prime time, I think!
Here's a piece I've been working on, one of an ongoing series featuring our silly rescue, Mack. Another session or two and this will be ready for prime time, I think!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
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