Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dog Days

The hottest summer on record is about to end. 

What does that have to do with art? Nothing!

This year, I've been experimenting with some small works in acrylic, mostly with a limited, 4-color palette, some with a collage component. 

So fun! Here's one of several.


Acrylic & paper on wood

8" x 10"

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Thought For the Day

After a brief pause, I ventured back into the studio for another look at this work in progress. I liked it a lot. In fact, I liked it so much that I wanted to add to it, to possibly like it more. Here's the result. 

The Path of Totality
Acrylic & collage
5" x 5"-ish

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Watching Paint Dry

No, I don't watch while it dries — but I do need to do something. So, I'll often sit at my desk and develop some watercolors from imagination or memory. This is one of several I've been working on, in watercolor and water-soluble wax crayons. 

"Distraction #2
Watercolor and crayon on paper
5" x 4" ish

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Other Me

I've always had a special admiration for certain artists who include a sense of mystery in their work. Transparency, moody color, dark rumbling skies — you get the idea.

Long ago, I was told that my paintings were "too depressing" — mostly due to the same qualities I mentioned above. 

Now, I'm becoming able to shift gears ( in this case, oil to acrylic ) and methods. It's likely temporary but I'm having a blast. Enjoy!

What is the What?

Acrylic and collage

5" x 5"

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Garden on an island

I recently participated in a very interesting online workshop with Lewis Noble. Delving into an abstract approach to the landscape, we began with a very limited palette — Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Black, and White. Challenging and fun! Green was created using Lemon and Black! We utilized collage methods for an even more exciting experience. Paint used was acrylic, not my usual. 

This painting (in progress) is the child of the child of the child of one of my earlier workshop efforts. I used the limited palette (NO RED, really!) adding just a small amount of Cerulean Blue to the Ultramarine. Unfinished, but another session should do it.

8 x 10, Acrylic on board
from Mytoi, Japanese garden on the island of Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 11, 2023


At last, my 2024 Desk Calendars are ready to ship. Enjoy the coming year with 12 new original paintings.

CD case-style 

to order:

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Evolution and calendars

I'm still investigating the abstract world that keeps beckoning to me. In fact, I am currently taking an online workshop that's got me ignoring my household chores and splashing paint around in the studio. More on that later. Meanwhile, here's a look at another pre-workshop painting.

Sunset at the Lake
oil, 8 x 10

And YES — calendars are coming. I just sent the files to the printer, and after he reviews and makes recommendations, they'll be available. 

Friday, July 21, 2023


I just noticed that my most recent post here was in December of last year. Amazing! It was a crazy year to be sure, and so is this one, as it turns out.

The work I did in France had a delayed effect on my painting practice. My paintings of the Château and surroundings were small (8 x 10) and evocative, and also pretty representational. Much later, as I pinned them up on the studio wall, I realized that I wanted to work more loosely and in a more abstract way. So... here's one of my many starts in that direction.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Memories of France

 Here's one I sneaked in during my so-called hiatus. Sometimes the studio just calls too insistently.

Young Tree at Orquevaux
10 x 10
Oil on wood

Back to work!

I'm back in the studio, effective today. I took my usual holiday hiatus — it's just too darn busy between Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Here's a small scale Winter scene done this afternoon in gouache and graphite on paper.

I love gouache! I love graphite!